4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (2024)


Community Pick

Submitted by mariposa13

"WW recipe"


4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (2) 4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (3)

photo by Kid-Kat 4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (4)

4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (5) 4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (6)

4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (7) 4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (8)

4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (9) 4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (10)

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  • 1 (18 ounce) box dry cake mix (any flavor)
  • 10 ounces diet soda (any flavor)
  • 1 -2 egg white (slightly beaten, optional but cake stays together better and is fluffier)



  • Mix the dry cake mix, the diet soda, and the egg white(s) until well blended.
  • Pour into a 9 X 13 sprayed pan or prepared cupcake tins.
  • Cook according to the directions on cake mix box.
  • Slice into 12 pieces - 4 points per slice.
  • Suggested Combinations: * yellow cake mix / diet lemon-lime soda (with a dollop of Cool Whip -- tastes like a "Twinkie") * orange cake / diet Mountain Dew * cherry chip cake / diet cream soda * diet lemon-lime soda / lemon cake * angel or yellow cake / diet orange * white cake / diet peach soda * spice cake / diet lemon-lime * diet ginger ale / white cake * diet cherry soda / chocolate cake * Diet cola / devils food or chocolate mix * diet vanilla co*ke / chocolate cake * devils food cake / diet Vanilla co*ke * diet root beer / chocolate cake * diet cherry co*ke / chocolate cake * marble cake / diet cream soda * lemon cake / tangerine Diet Rite *.

Questions & Replies

4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe - Food.com (11)

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  1. I have been making this cake for some time now. The possibilities are abundant. Lastnight I made Strawberry w/ diet cream soda. I always add about 2 T of unsweetened applesauce for a little "oil", 1/2 tsp baking powder, and 1 egg white.A good frosting is 1 tub of ff Cool whip mixed with 1 pack SF FF instant pudding mix of your choice.This is definately a recipe that you can use you imagination with.


  2. Really good, added one egg white and they came out very light and stayed together well. Devils Chocolate Cake and co*ke Zero yummm... kinda undid the low calorie part when i added chocolate icing and kit kat pieces to some and toblerone pieces to others =P soooo goood !

    Baker 831774

  3. Just started WW and I am a cupcake lover, so this recipe was perfect. I used Diet Sunkist and a white cake mix. I whisked 3TB egg whites first and added 1 TB unsweetened applesauce and then the cake mix and pop. Made sure to mix it well. Came out moist as can be and rose just fine. Made 24 cupcakes and we have been adding some fat free Reddi-Whip on top as we eat them.


  4. Incredible! I never had such a delicious tasting low fat cake! I used a yellow cake mix with a vanilla flavored diet pepsi. I also added in 1/2 tsp of baking powder after reading some of the reviews that their cakes came out flat. But my cake was actually light and fluffy. I also ended up using 1 full egg instead of 1 egg white. Baked for 25 mins. in a glass baking pan. And just like everyone has said, the cake is very crumby (probably b/c there is no real fat for the cake to hold onto). But this cake still came out very moist and is very diet friendly. Next time I'll try making cupcakes.


  5. Oh my goodness, it doesn't get any easier then this. I made this for dessert and my family loved it. I used cherry chip cake / diet cream soda. Wow, was it yummy. Thank you for sharing with us, we can't wait to try other combos.

    Stephanie S.

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  1. Very Very Good.it was soo moist, i was very supprized. everyone i told about this recipe thought i was crazy.i used spice cake with a sprite (i didnt have any diet) Yummy!I also heard that you can replace oil with apple sauce in cakes.





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4 Points - Diet Soda Cake Recipe  - Food.com (2024)
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