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Lore in Hollow Knight is an overview of the game's general plot. The story of Hollow Knight is less of a linear journey and more of a puzzle that can be pieced together through different aspects of the game, such as cutscenes, dialogues, lore tablets and entries in theHunter's Journal. Due to the inherent ambiguity of environmental storytelling, much of the lore is open to interpretation.

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Before Hallownest existed, the land was split between tribes of insectoid and arachnoid beings: the moths who worshipped The Radiance, plant-like beings in Greenpath who worshipped Unn, the mantises, the mushrooms, the spiders and so forth. Then a higher being known as the Wyrm traveled to the land of Kingdom's Edge and metamorphosed into the Pale King.

He lowered himself to appear like the bugs that inhabited the land, and built up the kingdom of Hallownest, granting the beings freewill and sapience. He also sought to expand his kingdom to encompass all of the nearby lands and tribes. The mysterious King's good deeds and godly nature became very admirable to most creatures of Hallownest, the bugs began to follow him, and in doing so surrendered their archaic religious beliefs. Among them were the Moths, who abandoned their old deity, The Radiance.

The Radiance, becoming malevolent after being forgotten, began to agressively appear in the dreams of the bugs of Hallownest in an attempt to re-establish its following. These visions caused the bugs to go become mindless, violent, zombie-like undead beings, suffering eternally. The Radiance's plauge became known as The Infection.

The Pale King countered The Radiance by creatingVessels, living insectoid beings made from Void, which the Radiance was powerless against, as they had no ability to dream, or any freewill. Though thousands of Vessels were created, the Pale King only chose the purest Vessel to become the “Hollow Knight”. This Pure Vessel, called the Hollow Knight by the King, was then used as an instrument to seal The Radiance within it. The Hollow Knight was then locked inside a vault called the Black Egg Temple to prevent the Infection from ever manifesting again, for the safety of Hallownest.

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However, The Hollow Knight’s shell eventually cracked due to a small flaw in its purity (its emotional attachment toits creator and father, the Pale King, who raised and trained it). The Infection began to leak out, once again corrupting the minds and bodies of everyone in Hallownest.

Due to this, The Pale King appointed three bugs, known as theDreamers to make a seal that would stop the Infection. Monomon was a jellyfish-like scholar and teacher, Lurien was the enigmatic watcher of the City of Tears, and Herrah was the rebellious queen of Deepnest. Monomon and Lurien volunteered to become Dreamers while Herrah made a deal with the Pale King to produce achild. The Dreamers entered stasis to protect the Hollow Knight's slumber.
However, even that couldn’t stop the infection.The kingdom came to ruin, and the Pale King, along with his court and palace, mysteriously vanished across the chaos.

The story of The Hollow Knight begins with the protagonist, The Knight, arriving in Dirtmouth on the border of the old kingdom. The Knight begins its journey through the ruins of Hallownest, seeking answers to the mysteries of its own past.

The Knight

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The Knight in Hollow Knight is the protagonist of the game. See its page below for more information.

The Knight

The Knightis a strange being known as aVessel, created bythe higher beings The Pale King and The White Lady. It was created in the Abyss, which was later sealed. It is unknown how it escaped the Abyss, but many of its siblings did as well - though only the Knight survived.

Hornet mentions in the City of Tears that the Knight is "born from two voids", one being the Void that the Knight was created in, and the other the area outside of Hallownest. The time that the Knight has spent out there has caused a temporary amnesia, but granted it strength and resilience.

Hornet also states that once the Knight obtains a Void Heart and gains back its memories, it will have the power to unify the Void under its own will, and claim himself the new King of Hallownest.

The Knight starts off with an Old Nail and the ability to heal itself with the use of Soul. As you dive deep in to the game, the Knight will be given access to new spells, powers, abilities, items, and upgrades that will aid it in its bizarre journey.

The Knight Health and Soul

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Health Mask

The Health of the Knight is represented by masks in the upper-left corner of the screen. The Knight starts off with 5 masks; more can be obtained by finding Mask Shards. 4 Mask Shards make up 1 newHealth Mask, up to a maximum number of 9 Masks in total. The Knight loses health by taking damage from enemies or environmental hazards. Health can be regained by either resting at a Bench or by using Focus.

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Lifeblood Mask

Lifeblood Masks are temporary masks that cannot be healed with Focus. They are obtained from Lifeseeds and by equipping specific Charms. Lifeblood Masks from Lifesseds will disappear once you rest at a bench. Lifeblood Masks granted by Charms are restored every time you rest.

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SOUL is measured by a circular meter found in the left corner of the screen, next to the Health Masks. SOUL is used by The Knight to cast Spells and to heal. Hitting enemies with the Nail is the primary source of regaining SOUL.The Knight can find Vessel Fragments around the area, and every 3 Vessel Fragments allow you to have extra Soul Meters, up to a total of 3 extra Soul Meters.The extra Soul Meters provided by the Vessel Fragments allow you to have enough soul for a single spell/heal.

The Knight Equipment and Abilities


The Nail is The Knight's main weapon. It can be swung in four directions, damaging enemies, destroying breakable objects or bouncing off walls and spikes. Due to the knockback mechanic, pogoing (hitting enemies and spikes with your nail while striking downwards) can be used to traverse certain areas in Hallownest. You can choose to upgrade The Nail and learnNail ArtsfromNailmasters, unlocking new devastating moves.


Charms are special items that can be found, gained as rewards or purchased from Merchants. Charms can be equipped on Charm Notches. They provide various buffs, including increased health, reduction of healing time, higher Nail damage and many more.


Spells are skills that use SOUL. The Knight starts off with a single spell (Focus) and acquires more as they forge on - for example, theVengeful Spirit, granted by the Snail Shaman. Spells can be upgraded to more potent versions, hidden in secret locations throughout Hallownest.


Abilities are skills that do not use SOUL. They provide The Knight with new ways of traversing Hallownest's terrain and engaging in combat. They are granted by special items, such as Mothwing Cloak, Monarch Wings, and more.

The Knight Gallery

In Hollow Knight, NPCs are characters you can interact with. Some will act as Merchants, buying and selling items in exchange for Geo. Others will engage you in a conversation, provide Quests, influence the story and reveal new lore. Listed below are the NPCs that you will encounter in Hollow Knight.

Hollow Knight Merchants

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Confessor Jiji

"I am Jiji, and if you have found your way into my chamber you must need my help."

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Charm Lover Salubra

"Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh, you surprised me! Hello, hello! Come in, sweetling! Come in and make yourself at home."

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"Come to buy a map have you? Its really my husband you should be dealing with, but what a surprise! He's headed down below."

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Leg Eater

"Don't try to sneak past me. I can smell you."

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Little Fool

"Aha! Another warrior finds their way to our fair Colosseum. Ours is the final destination for all seeking trials of intense and deadly combat."

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Millibelle the Banker

"Hello there dearie. I was about to close up shop and run, till you came along. I provide a banking service if you're interested."

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"After a Nailsmith are you? Well, you've found one. I'm not much for talk, but if its a nail that needs repair then you've come to the right bug."

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Relic Seeker Lemm

"Aye Aye. Come searching for rare items, have you? Well, hands off! This collection is mine and I won't be selling to grubby little wanderers."

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Steel Soul Jinn

" Jinn, has only many small, shiny things... useless to Jinn, but will trade for wonderful gift."

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The Last Stag

"Greetings, little one! It's been an age since I last heard the ringing of a station bell. It echoed down the stagways and called me to you."

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"Don't be angry. I'll share my food with you... if you give me Geo."

Hollow Knight Nailmasters

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Nailmaster Mato

"Hm? Ah, well met! Yes, I thought I could sense the aura of a fierce warrior approaching."

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Nailmaster Oro

"Hmph. How did you find me, down here where the world ends?"

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Nailmaster Sheo

"I am Sheo, and in a previous life I was a Nailmaster."

Hollow Knight Quest NPCs

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"Oh?! Who are you?"

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"Let us sleep little shadow."

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Grey Mourner

"Ahhhh.... Me'hon. This world. This cruel, sinful world. Why does che' wake? Why does che' persist?"

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"Ahhhh, you've returned. Welcome back to the waking world."

Hollow Knight Wanderers and Other NPCs

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"Ohrm... Tiny thing. You climb high. Seek the knowledge of these lands?"

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"Searching for dangerous places aye? Well, you're on the right track."

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"I'm a cartographer by trade, and I'm working on mapping this area right now. Would you like to buy a copy of my work so far?"

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Distant Villagers

"We are friends. Welcome. Sit and rest."

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Dung Defender

"...For the honour of Hallownest!"

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"Ho there, traveller. I'm afraid there's only me left to offer welcome. Our town's fallen quiet you see."

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Eternal Emilitia

"Isn't life just wonderful..."

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"Come no closer, ghost."

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Mask Maker

"Is it mask or face upon the creature? In Hallownest, a difficult thing it can be to decipher."

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"Is it information you seek? That I can provide. Yes. Oh yes. Heehee."

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Mister Mushroom

"To greater things, perhaps? So much can be achieved in just a short time..."

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Moss Prophet

"Oooohhh radiant being, we are blessed. Your rays touch us. Your warmth fills us. Hallownest is born again, united in your blazing image. Oohhh..."

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"So, what are you down here for? If you came to g-get wealthy, just look around you!"

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"Oh, hello there! Seems we both tread far from the path."

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Snail Shaman

"Oho! Who is that creeping out of the darkness? My, you're looking grim! A strange, empty face and a wicked looking weapon!"

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The Hunter

"Tiny squib... You approach fearless. Are you a hunter like me? Do you feel the urge inside, to stalk, to kill, to understand?"

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The Pale King

"No cost too great.No mind to think.No will to break. No voice to cry suffering."

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The White Lady

"Oh! One arrives. Far it walks to find me. Did it seek my aid? Or did the path carry it by chance to so pertinant a place?"

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"Pale thing. You wear that nail with ease. If you're in search of combat, you'll find no great warriors in this decaying burrow."

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Unnamed Moth

"To believe or disbelieve... The choice is yours."

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"Oh! Come in search of treats, have you? I chanced upon a unique little fungus growing right above us."

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Zote the Mighty

"Begone! Lest I draw my nail..."

Hollow Knight Grimm Troupe NPCs

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"Mrmm. You called us? Speak to Master."

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"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!Did you call us? You called us, and we came. We came!"

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"The roads between are dark and long, but the Master's light will always guide us."

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"Ah. Hello! Hello! I'm new around these parts, so it's marvellous to see so friendly a face, in such a sad town."

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Troupe Master Grimm

"Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe."

Hollow Knight Godmaster NPCs

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Fluke Hermit

"Safe, gla... Little Sisters... Gla gla…"

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"Thou crawler! Thou cringer! Thou smallest of the small!"

Bosses are unique enemies that have a higher amount of health and do not respawn. Certain Bosses must be defeated in order to progress through the main game, to complete a Quest or to gain important Items. Below is a list of Hollow Knight bosses, both in the main game and those added by DLCs.

Hollow Knight Bosses

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Broken Vessel / Lost Kin


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Brooding Mawlek


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The Collector

"A safe space, for you! And you! And you!"

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Crystal Guardian


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Dung Defender / White Defender

"...For thehonourof Hallownest!"

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False Knight / Failed Champion

"This great shell...It belongs to me!"

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God Tamer

"I'll kill you!"

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Gruz Mother


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Hollow Knight

"...No mind, the usurper...Only strength..."

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"Come no closer, ghost."

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Mantis Lords

"...At last a true challenger..."

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Massive Moss Charger


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The Radiance


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Soul Master / Soul Tyrant

"The King falls, but I live forever!"

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Soul Warrior

"...This power...What did it cost?"

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Traitor Lord


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Vengefly King


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Watcher Knight


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Zote the Mighty / Grey Prince Zote

"Begone! Lest I draw my nail..."

Hollow Knight DLC Bosses

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Lore | Hollow Knight Wiki (87)Brothers Oro and Mato

"Brothers always fight together!"

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Lore | Hollow Knight Wiki (89)Great Nailsage Sly

"Point your nail at the thing you seek!"

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Lore | Hollow Knight Wiki (91)Paintmaster Sheo

"What is a god, if not an artist?"

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Lore | Hollow Knight Wiki (93) Grimm / Nightmare King Grimm

"Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe."

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Lore | Hollow Knight Wiki (95)Hive Knight

"When you wake... the Hive..."

Hollow Knight Warrior Dreams

Warrior Dreamsin Hollow Knightare unique bosses. The Knight can only challenge them by using the Dream Nail. Eliminating a Warrior Dream will grant you alarge amount of Essence as a reward. Dream Nailing a Warrior Dream will automatically start the battle. Dream Warriors are scattered around Hallownest. Purchasing a Warrior's Grave PinfromIseldawill allow you to mark their locations on your map.

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Elder Hu

"Beware dreams of glory, child. Turn back, and do not return."

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"So then... shall we do battle? Let us test our strength in joyful combat!"

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"Bow! Bow bow bow bow to Gorb!"

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"You have come a long way, just to die here at the edge of the world."

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"Shall we wait together, stranger? Shall we play together?"

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No Eyes

"My child... can you still see? Please, don't hurt me!"

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"Cursed are those who turn against the King."

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.