Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2024)

Healthy Living Ideas

Written By Lenore Cangeloso LAc. MSAOm.

Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (1)

Understanding Dampness and its Impact on Health

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an ancient and comprehensive system of healthcare, the concept of dampness holds a significant place. Dampness is considered a pathological factor that can affect the body, leading to various health issues. In this article, we will dive into the manifestations of dampness in the body, explore signs and symptoms, discuss foods that can help alleviate dampness, and unravel the secrets of TCM to bring more balance and health to the body.

Dampness can also be explained with words like; viscosity, sticky, lingering, and stagantion. When things are “ sticky” within the body, they are often difficult to remove, causing stagnation which can impact Qi, Blood, food, or stool. Dampness is considered a Yin pathogen, impairing Yang and obstructing Qi circulation.

Dampness also tends to descend within the body and accumulate in the lower portion of the body ( think knees, ankles), and can easily reside in Yin areas ( think Spleen).

Manifestations of Dampness in the Body

According to TCM principles, dampness is one of the six external pathogenic factors that can invade the body. It is characterized by an excess of moisture or fluid, which disrupts the normal functioning of Organs and Meridians. Dampness can arise from external factors like living in a damp environment or internal factors such as poor digestion, improper diet, overstrain/stress, lack of physical exercise, or traumatic injury.

Dampness is considered the predominant Qi of late summer but can occur in any season. It is mainly characterized by heaviness and turbidity within the body especially in the joints, or can be seen by turbid discharge (such as excess leukorrhea, weeping eczema, suppurative pores, sticky stools, or excess dark urine).

When dampness goes unchecked or gets pathological, dampness gathers and water forms, water accumulates forming rheum, and rheum congeals forming phlegm, which is the most yin of all pathogens and the hardest to treat. This is generated when the body’s water metabolism functions are impaired. Normal fluids stagnate and become pathological fluids. These all share the same source but each has unique characteristics, and once produced they become etiological factors in their own right.

Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2)

When this condition occurs in the body, it begins to obstruct the Qi mechanism, impairs the correct circulation of Qi and Blood, and can cause a wide range of illnesses and pathological changes. Unfortunately, these illnesses tend to be stubborn and “sticky” and the disease course can be long. If left to linger, this condition can easily disturb the Shen (especially phlegm).

6 external pathogenic factors

  1. Dampness

  2. Cold

  3. Wind

  4. Dryness

  5. Heat

  6. Fire

The manifestations of dampness in the body can be diverse and affect various organ systems. Common symptoms include lethargy, heaviness in the limbs, edema, and a feeling of sluggishness. The Spleen and Stomach are particularly vulnerable to dampness, as they play a crucial role in transforming and transporting fluids. When dampness accumulates, it obstructs the smooth flow of Qi (energy) and blood, leading to a range of health issues.

Tongue and Pulse diagnosis are two major tools used by practitioners to confirm the presence of dampness in the body, this can be seen as a pale and swollen tongue with teeth marks on the edges, indicative of dampness affecting the Spleen. A thick, sticky, greasy tongue coating may also be present. The pulse associated with dampness is often soggy or slippery. This indicates an imbalance in the flow of Qi and the presence of excess moisture.

Signs and Symptoms of Dampness

Identifying dampness requires a keen understanding of the signs and symptoms associated with this pathological factor. TCM practitioners look for both physical and emotional indicators to make an accurate diagnosis. Some common signs of dampness include:

  • Heaviness and Swelling- As Dampness accumulates it may cause a feeling of heaviness, or even a physical swelling in the limbs and swelling, especially in the ankles and knees.

  • Digestive Issues- Poor digestion, bloating, and a feeling of fullness are common signs of dampness affecting the Spleen and Stomach.

  • Fatigue- Dampness can lead to a sense of lethargy and fatigue. This can manifest as either physical or mental fatigue or both.

  • Phlegm and Mucus- Excessive dampness can manifest as phlegm and mucus in the respiratory system, leading to conditions like coughing and nasal congestion.

  • Joint Pain- Dampness tends to accumulate in the joints, causing pain and stiffness, akin to conditions like arthritis.

Foods to Help Alleviate Dampness

In TCM, diet plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and preventing the accumulation of dampness. Certain foods are believed to help eliminate dampness and restore harmony to the body. If you have signs of dampness, consider incorporating the following into your diet:

  • Roasted Root Vegetables- Carrots, sweet potatoes, and radishes help strengthen the Spleen and promote the transformation of dampness.

  • Steamed Leafy Greens- Dark, leafy greens like kale and spinach support the body's natural detoxification process, helping to eliminate dampness.

  • Pungent Foods- Garlic, ginger, and onions have warming properties that help dispel dampness and improve circulation.

  • Whole Grains- Brown rice, quinoa, pearl barley, and oats are easier to digest and support the Spleen in transforming dampness.

  • Herbal Teas- Cardamon, Ginger, Fennel, Chrysanthemum tea, and Lotus leaf tea are known in TCM for their ability to clear dampness and promote fluid balance.

Understanding dampness in TCM goes beyond recognizing physical symptoms; it involves a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and environment.

By recognizing the manifestations of dampness, identifying its signs and symptoms, and incorporating dampness-clearing foods into your diet, you can work towards restoring balance and promoting overall well-being.



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Buddhas Triangle


Glass beads woven onto a 3/4” brass triangle.

Each peice is made by hand and may vary slightly from the images.

Pick a color, any color 🌈

Black Sesame


Tiny. But Mighty.

These beauties are adorned with a random assortment of glass beads in a neutral colorway with brass bars.

Each set is unique, just like you!

Sure to make a statement!



Classy, fun, and hip checkerboard design. Beaded earrings with a hanging gemstone, and brass adornment, Lever- back earrings, and cute vibes.

4” long including earring hardware.

Citrine is used here to help tonify Earth and digestive function, as yellow is associated with our Earth element, of the Spleen and Stomach.

The item may vary slightly due to dye lots and the uniqueness of natural gems.

Shibori Swatch


This little cutie is an ode to the Japanese craft of Shibori, an ancient technique of dying fabric with intricate tying and folding to create organic and unique patterns.

About 2” in length, with brass topper and glass seed beads, made to mimic a fabric swatch.

Custom Designs

from $45.00

Are you dreaming up a pair of your dream earrings? I would LOVE to work with you to make these DREAMS come true. Drop me a note with your thoughts and inspirations and use the drop-down items to help me get started! I can send some pictures of colors I am currently working with or help you brainstorm. All lengths can be customized, just giving you an example below.

Small- Around 1-2’ length

Medium- Around 3-4”

Large- Around 5-7”

Extra- Around 5-7”, but with more adornments, such as metal work and gems, and fancier beadwork

DampnessDampness in TCMDampness and Diet

Lenore Cangeloso LAc. MSAOm.https://www.wildearthacupuncture.com

Dampness in Traditional Chinese Medicine — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2024)


How to get rid of dampness in body Chinese medicine? ›

Whole Grains- Brown rice, quinoa, pearl barley, and oats are easier to digest and support the Spleen in transforming dampness. Herbal Teas- Cardamon, Ginger, Fennel, Chrysanthemum tea, and Lotus leaf tea are known in TCM for their ability to clear dampness and promote fluid balance.

What to eat to remove dampness? ›

This is a list of foods that help dry or absorb dampness, and therefore can be ​added to the diet​ in moderation:
  • Celery.
  • Scallion.
  • Turnip.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Corn.
  • Asparagus.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Rye, amaranth.

What Chinese soup removes dampness from your system? ›

A Very Traditional Chinese Herbal Soup Recipe

Chinese yam (known in Chinese as shānyào – 山药, which translates to “mountain medicine”) is used to tonify deficiency (balance the energy in your body). And the poria cocos mushroom (苻苓, fú líng) is supposed to remove dampness from your system.

What are natural remedies for dampness in the body? ›

Foods to resolve dampness include;
  1. Grains. Corn, barley, basmati rice. Vegetables. ...
  2. Asparagus, celery, Chinese cabbage. Fruit. Blueberry, cranberry. ...
  3. Button mushroom, olive mushroom, watercress. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts. ...
  4. Seaweed, radish, water chestnut. Fruit. ...
  5. Mustard leaf, onion, scallion. Herbs and spices.

What are the symptoms of too much dampness in the body? ›

Normally the body can adjust and eliminate the fluid automatically, however, dampness will affect the circulation of qi and blood in the body and eventually lead to common dampness symptoms including heaviness in the head and limbs, tiredness, swollen face and legs, sticky stool and heavier vagin*l discharge."

What soaks up dampness? ›

Moisture absorber with sea salt

Over the course of three days, a homemade pouch with sea salt can absorb even 1/5 of a cup of water, which is quite a substantial amount for home purposes! Sea salt is a relatively inexpensive and readily available product.

Is apple cider vinegar good for dampness? ›

This can lead to improved digestion, hormone balance, and emotional well-being. Addressing Dampness: ACV helps circulate and dry damp conditions in TCM.

What drinks are good for dampness? ›

Ginger tea: grate some fresh ginger (about the size of your thumb nail), into a cup, seep in boiling water for five minutes, add a little brown sugar to taste and drink warm. Grapefruit juice: two to three glasses per day • Pear juice: two to three glasses per day.

Is turmeric good for dampness? ›

The good news is, dampness can be resolved with dietary changes, acupuncture and foods that help the body eliminate dampness—like steamed vegetables, pumpkin seeds, spices like turmeric and ginger, and warm drinks and meals.

Is cinnamon good for dampness? ›

Many spices can also help you with this task of drying dampness. Think of things such as cloves, ginger, black pepper, cardamom, caraway, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme, turmeric, basil, garlic, horseradish, cayenne, oregano, and parsley. Many of these herbs will also help to boost digestive function and Qi of your middle.

Is Ginger good for dampness? ›

Dispels Cold & Dampness

Cold and Dampness are specific conditions in TCM that arise from certain imbalances within the body. These can often manifest as a feeling of heaviness, cold or pain in the lower body, which dried ginger can help to resolve.

What kills dampness? ›

Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners, especially in hot, humid climates, to reduce moisture in the air, but be sure that the appliances themselves don't become sources of biological pollutants.

How do you drain dampness from your body? ›

Do More Exercise and Sunbath. Doing aerobic exercise can accelerate blood circulation, help the intestines, spleen and stomach and other organs to be healthy, and sweating through exercise is a direct and effective way to remove dampness.

What disease is caused by dampness? ›

Mould associated with damp buildings can trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, wheeze, respiratory infections and worsen asthma and allergic conditions. People who are more susceptible to these symptoms and other serious health effects include those with: weakened immune systems. allergies.

What are the two major reasons for dampness? ›

Causes of Damp in Houses
  • Excess moisture. Moisture gets into the air in our homes through everyday activities like cooking, washing, showering and drying clothes. ...
  • Poorly heated homes. ...
  • Poor ventilation. ...
  • No DPC. ...
  • Inadequate DPC. ...
  • Plumbing issues. ...
  • Building faults. ...
  • Inadequate gutters.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.