Twenty-eight projects awarded within Open Competition ENW-XS | NWO (2024)

ENW-XS will continue in 2024 and the first deadline in 2024 will be 5 march 2024. Further details will be published on this page before the end of the year.

The awarded applications (in alphabetical order of applicant):

Building a van der Waals supercurrent switch.
Prof. Dr. J. Aarts (Leiden University)
Cryogenic computers, based on utilizing superconductivity, would dissipate much less energy than current ones. Cooling without cryogenic liquids now is standard, and superconducting processors exist, but completely lacking are cryogenic memories. Much researched are superconductor / ferromagnet devices, where supercurrents read out and manipulate magnetic bits, but with metallic thin films this is challenging. Novel solutions come from van der Waals materials, atomically thin sheets of encapsulated metal atoms that can be manipulated to build ultrathin hybrid structures. Much is still unknown about the physics of such hybrids. We propose to make a proof-of-principle device that switches supercurrents magnetically.

Unveiling the connection between air pollutants and Alzheimer's disease via engineered stem cell derived models.
Dr. A. (Angelo) Accardo (Delft University of Technology)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity in the elderly. An emerging hypothesis points towards a critical role of environmental factors, such as particulate matter (i.e. hazardous microparticles suspended in air) that accelerates the formation of AD hallmarks (i.e. amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles). Nonetheless, this theory is limited to cohort and animal studies while the cell-particle connection remains unknown. To verify (or falsify) this hypothesis at the cellscale, we will pioneer physiologically relevant human 3D AD models by combining induced pluripotent stem cells-derived neurons from AD patients and biomimetic 3D engineered microenvironments.

THERMalaria: Biomimetic thermal detection of malaria parasite.
Dr. R. (Rocio) Arreguin Campos (Maastricht University)
Malaria is a tropical disease caused by parasites of the Plasmodium genus, which puts nearly half of the global population at risk of developing a seriousness illness associated with significant mortality rates. The gold standard for diagnosis is microscopic analysis, but this requires a lab setting, trained staff and infrastructure, and is therefore typically slow and expensive. Point-of-care (PoC) detection tools that allow for fast low-cost diagnosis of the disease could therefore dramatically improve disease management. This project aims at developing a thermal biomimetic sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymeric recognition layer for PoC malaria diagnosis.

Nothing lasts forever - fighting PFAS pollution with engineered enzymes.
Prof. Dr. C. (Clemens) Mayer (University of Groningen)
Poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) encompass thousands of individual compounds that are widely used in consumer products. However, the presence of strong carbon-fluoride bonds makes PFAS difficult to degrade and long-term exposure to these forever chemicals has been shown to severely impact human health. Here the researchers will apply the laboratory evolution to engineer biological catalysts (=enzymes) that can effectively degrade PFAS. By pioneering a strategy that converts model PFAS into carbon and energy sources for bacteria, this project will provide a promising means for the on-demand bio-remediation of these forever chemicals.

Nanomedicines mimicking cancer immunity against medulloblastoma.
Dr. S. (Sandra) Crnko (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Medulloblastoma is the most prevalent malignant pediatric brain tumor with mortality rates of ~30%. Current non-specific radio- and chemotherapy are often ineffective and induce severe side-effects. Targeted immunotherapy is not available for medulloblastoma due to difficult passing of medicine and immune cells through the blood-brain barrier, and generally low/absent immune infiltrate in the brain. Here, we propose to tackle these obstacles by deploying innovative nanomedicines, loaded with immune cell-derived toxins and decorated on the outside with ApoE (facilitates passing through blood-brainbarrier) and B7-H3 (target on medulloblastoma). This high-risk/high-gain research can pave the way for targeted, efficient, and personalized medulloblastoma elimination.

One for all, all for one: do cancer cells cooperate to fight off T-cells?
Dr. K.K. (Krijn) Dijkstra (The Netherlands Cancer Institute)
Cancers consist of multiple distinct cancer cell subpopulations (subclones). However, whether different clones cooperate to promote tumor progression in humans is completely unknown. I plan to systematically analyse whether clonal cooperativity drives resistance to T-cells (immune cells). Through a combination of organoid culture and single cell RNA sequencing, I will generate subclone-specific organoid lines that can be recombined in various combinations to identify non-cell-autonomous resistance to T-cells. The identification of clones upon which the tumor as a whole depends for its protection against T-cells could open up new treatment paradigms aimed at targeting this cooperative network to induce tumour collapse.

Developing a light-activatable molecular probe to destabilize and study the septin cytoskeleton.
Dr. K. (Koen) van den Dries (Radboud university medical center)
Just like humans, cells have a skeleton, the 'cytoskeleton', which allows them to move and divide. It was long thought that the cytoskeleton consists of three types of protein filaments (actin filaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments) but recently, a fourth type has been discovered: the septin filaments. Septin filaments are also involved in cell movement and division, but we do not exactly understand how. This is mainly due to limited possibilities to manipulate septins. This project aims to develop a light-activatable molecular tool to destabilize septin filaments. With this tool we will study the cooperation between septin and actin filaments.

Let’s move: 3D printing of contractible hydrogels as muscle tissue mimics.
Dr. J. (Julien) Es Sayed (University of Groningen)
3D printing of soft water-based materials such as hydrogels is a powerful technique in the field of tissue engineering to create artificial scaffolds that can replace or reboost tissues. However, once printed, these synthetic tissues are static and cannot dynamically change their shape and dimensions the same way as functional tissues such as muscles do. To bridge this gap, we aim at developing a new 3D printable granular hydrogel based on responsive microparticles, which dimensions can be reversibly changed on-demand after printing. In this way, muscle-like contractible materials will be obtained.

Visible-light-powered recycling of pharmaceutical building blocks.
Dr. P. (Peter) Fodran (University of Groningen)
Chiral amines are essential for drug discovery and manufacture. Commonly, they are prepared by separating 1:1 mixtures of the desired and undesired optically active forms, meaning that at least half of the produced material is discarded. Chemists devised ways to recycle the undesired form, but the current procedures are either based on precious transition metals or require multiple steps. The proposed research aims to develop a practical method for recycling the undesired enantiomers of pharmaceutically relevant building blocks, requiring visible light and cheap, easy-to-source, biorenewable reagents.

Establishing a zebrafish model to monitor chromosome missegregation events in vivo.Prof. Dr. F. (Floris) Foijer (University Medical Center Groningen)
Aneuploidy, an abnormal chromosomes number, is a hallmark of cancer cells, but, toxic to cells grown in tissue culture. Aneuploidy results from chromosomal instability (CIN), i.e. an increased rate of chromosome missegregation. As cancer cells arise in vivo and not a petridish, this suggests 1) that cancer cells adapt to cope with aneuploidy and/or 2) that cells residing in vivo tolerate aneuploidy better than cultured cells. To test the latter, we will establish an in vivo model to monitor chromosome segregation in developing zebrafish. This will allow, for the first time, to monitor CIN and its consequences in vivo.

Do microbes make mosquito magnets?
Dr. F.J.H. (Felix) Hol (Radboud university medical center)
"Why do they always bite me??!" is a common question referring to the fact that mosquitoes have clear preferences regarding whom (not) to bite. Yet despite the familiarity and medical relevance of this question, the reasons why mosquitoes prefer some humans over others remain unclear. Answers to this question can likely be found in human body odor, which depends on the microbes that live on one’s skin. We will study the skin microbiome of people that strongly attract mosquitoes, in comparison to the skin microbiome of individuals that hardly attract mosquitoes, to identify key microbes that drive mosquito attraction.

MechanoCurve - Programmable tissue curvatures for understanding the cancer initiation.Dr. B. (Burcu) Gümüşcü Sefünç (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Curved tissues are a fundamental building block of organs, yet they are also common site of cancer formation, which leads the cells transform, overproliferate and disrupt epithelial architecture. Despite our current understanding of this process is limited, the conventional tools we possess do not enable us to explore the dynamics of curved tissue formations. By combining hydrogel swelling and magnetic-field, MechanoCurve will be the first microfabricated tool capable of dynamically programming curved hydrogel surfaces, allowing exploration of biophysical questions about the dynamics of surface curvature change, and mechano-stimulation of cancer initiation as a new avenue in the field of cancerogenesis.

Targeted Kidney Gene Therapy: Hitting the Mark (KID-MARK).
Dr. M.J. (Manoe) Janssen (Utrecht University)
Around 30% of kidney diseases are genetic, potentially treatable with gene therapy. To make gene therapy work, we require tiny particles to deliver genetic information to kidney cells through the bloodstream and deliver their cargo to the cells. If successful, this restores normal kidney function and halts disease progression. Unfortunately, there are currently no particles that effectively reach the kidneys. Our objective is to create a model of kidney cells that allows us to test new particles for their ability to target the kidneys. This would be a breakthrough that allows the development of new therapies.

A Shot to the Heart: Generating a High Throughput Inducible 3D Heart Attack Model
Dr. B. (Benjamin) Johnson (Leiden University Medical Center)
Cardiovascular disease remains one of the biggest causes of death worldwide with limited treatments and no robust human-based myocardial infarction models. The absence of functional human heart disease models capable to perform high throughput drug screening contributes to the low number of therapeutic treatments of heart disease developed. Here, I will develop a human‐based model that can rapidly and reliably induce a “heart attack in a dish”. This model will be amenable to automation, used to screen compound libraries to find new treatments for heart disease, and to progress our understanding of heart attack recovery.

Cell membrane-like nanocoatings for oxygenating soft microgels to produce artificial red blood cells.
Prof. Dr. Ir. P. (Pascal) Jonkheijm (University of Twente)
Blood scarcity is a key healthcare challenge worldwide. The strict eligibility criteria for blood donors, low percentage of the population with universal blood type, an aging population, and occurrence of war and natural disasters cause ongoing blood shortages. It is, therefore, urgent to develop new, scalable blood substitutes. Here, we propose to explore the engineering of synthetic cell membranes on microparticles to create a novel class of artificial red blood cells. To this end, we will develop a lipid nanocoating for oxygen generating, micrometer-sized, soft, hydrogels and test their blood compatibility to demonstrate their potential as red blood cell mimics.

Can triploidy be detected through non-invasive prenatal testing?
Dr. S. (Sander) Lamballais (Erasmus Medical Center)
Triploidy is a lethal abnormality where a fetus has an extra set of 23 chromosomes. Early detection is needed to accelerate medical decisions and limit complications. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is used nation-wide to detect chromosomal abnormalities during early pregnancy, by detecting placental DNA in the mother’s bloodstream. I propose that triploidy can be detected through NIPT. As triploidy arises from the mother or the father, I will use nation-wide NIPT data to test whether triploidy is detectable by estimating which DNA fragments derive from which parent. If succesful, early detection of triploidy would become possible through existing routine testing.

Receptor Capture: identifying virus receptors through chemical crosslinking.
Dr. P. (Pascal) Miesen (Radboud university medical center)
Dengue virus is spread by Aedes mosquitoes and needs to replicate efficiently inside the mosquito body for efficient transmission. Hitherto, comprehensive knowledge about the cell surface receptors that dengue virus uses to infect mosquito cells is lacking. In this project, the researchers will develop a powerful technique to identify the receptors for dengue virus infection in mosquitoes. This knowledge can inform the development of inhibitors targeting these receptors, thereby interfering with dengue transmission at the mosquito stage of the virus’ lifecycle. Strikingly, this methodology promises to be broadly applicable to identify the cell surface receptors of many other viruses.

Rethinking antibiotic therapy of urinary tract infections.
Dr. S. (Suruchi) Nepal (Leiden University)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are associated with a high rate of treatment failure, indicating that current antibiotic treatment strategies are not optimal. This project investigates the unexplored hypothesis that urine, the infection microenvironment in UTIs, may lead to distinctly different responses of bacterial pathogens to antibiotic treatments. We will perform unique translational experiments to evaluate to what extent urine can alter antibiotic treatment effects or affect the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. Results from these experiments are then used to design adapted antibiotic treatment strategies for UTIs to reduce treatment failure using mathematical modeling.

Unlocking the potential of the blood microbiome for disease surveillance.
Dr. K.B. (Kaushal) Parikh (Erasmus Medical Center)
Crohn's disease, a chronic bowel disorder, frequently necessitates surgery, with post-operative recurrence posing a significant challenge. To address this issue, I explore the potential of microbial DNA present in the bloodstream as a predictive marker for recurrence. Recent discoveries challenging the conventional belief in sterile blood underpin this pioneering research. If successful, it could enhance disease management by enabling early intervention in high-risk patients, while also broadening our understanding of microbial material translocation. Insights from this research may extend to ecological microbiology, environmental science, and other fields, shedding light on the movement of microbes within different ecosystems, beyond healthcare applications.

Dr. Ir. M. (Mathias ) Peirlinck (Delft University of Technology)
For end-stage heart failure patients on the waiting list for a donor heart, mechanical pumps implanted in their chest are often their only option to survive. Given the high risks and severe discomfort of these devices, this project sets out to fabricate an innovative soft robotic ventricle that accurately replicates the natural motion of the heart. Based on a computationally optimized design, we will 3D print our RoboHeart prototype and perform extensive static and dynamic experiments to quantify RoboHeart’s acute and chronic performance, its efficiency, and its durability in response to realistic cardiovascular loading conditions.

Using fungi to clean up the persistent pollutant PFAS.
Dr. M. (Mao) Peng (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pollution has become a major environmental problem. High PFAS levels have been detected worldwide, which threaten ecosystems and human health, causing e.g., cancer, birth defects and immune diseases. PFAS is not readily degraded in the environment and cannot be easily removed from soil. Therefore, an in-situ remediation method is urgently needed to reduce PFAS levels in our environment. We previously identified specific fungi with the unique ability to degrade PFAS compounds. Here, I aim to identify the enzymes involved in PFAS degradation to further explore the potential of fungi for PFAS bioremediation.

Revolutionizing protein interaction studies with a novel protein actuation spectroscopy approach.
Dr. S. (Sergii) Pud (University of Twente)
Proteins are vital molecules in living organisms and understanding their functions and interactions is crucial for combating diseases linked to protein malfunctions. Numerous experimental methods have been developed to study single proteins, but detecting their interactions with small molecules like hormones or toxins remains challenging. I aim to develop a novel technique called protein actuation spectroscopy to address this issue. By setting a protein molecule in motion, we can observe changes in its physical properties when it binds to small molecules, providing new insights into these elusive interactions and advancing our understanding of protein dynamics.

Blood vessels controlled by light.
Dr. T. (Tommaso) Ristori (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Angiogenesis, i.e. the formation of blood vessels from pre-existing ones, is a key process to ensure the body’s blood supply. Fully controlling this phenomenon is essential for the (re)creation of new tissues and organs, such as pursued in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Despite numerous attempts, spatially directing angiogenesis in three-dimensional environments remains a major challenge. Here, we propose to spatially control the location of newly formed blood vessels via patterns of light, by leveraging on cell-cell signalling, microfabrication, and optogenetics. As a proof of concept, the technology will be tested on in vitro tissue models of angiogenesis.

Closed-loop recycling of Li-ion batteries.
Prof. dr. Ir. T.J.H. (Thijs) Vlugt (Delft University of Technology)
Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are used in a range of products including electronic devices, electric vehicles, and toys. LIBs will play a crucial role in the energy transition as an enabler for the electrification of society, but there are also concerns about the fate of these batteries at the end of the life. Only 5% of the spent batteries are currently recycled due to technical and economic reasons, which means that 95% of the LIBs, including the critical raw materials, are wasted. In this project, we will develop a closed-loop electrodialysis process to recycle LIBs without any waste production.

Powering microrobots with synthetic nanomachines for 3D swimming.
Dr. H.R. (Hanumantha Rao) Vutukuri (University of Twente)
Inspired by the autonomous motion, activity, and transport of microorganisms in fluids, the emerging field of "active" or "autonomous matter" has gained momentum. This rapidly growing area is dedicated to engineering synthetic microrobots with distinctive capabilities such as self-propulsion, collective behavior, and adaptability to local gradients, including temperature, chemicals, pH, and nutrients. Yet, developing microrobots that can swim in three dimensions (3D) remains a formidable challenge. This project aims to develop a facile model system by powering microrobots with light-driven synthetic molecular or nanomachines, enabling them to swim in 3D real space, mimicking microorganisms.

Hunting nodal basins: finding a proxy for earthquake generating transform faults.
Dr. R.J.F. (Richard) Wessels (Utrecht University)
Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive forces of nature. Some of the deadliest earthquakes occur where tectonic plates are sliding past each other, creating a so-called transform fault. The ideal place to study transform faults is in regions where the oceanic crust in which they form is pushed (obducted) on land, where it becomes known as an ophiolite. This study aims at identifying a transform fault in the ophiolite on Cyprus, by looking for the nodal basins that typify them. When successful, this will make the fault system in Cyprus a world-class example to study earthquake mechanisms.

Microbial cell factory for green and sustainable recycling of polyamides and polystyrene.Prof. Dr. J.H. (Han) de Winde (Leiden University)
Plastics are man-made polymers that are used for many applications. At the same time, world-wide accumulation of plastics in the environment poses a huge and growing threat. Polyamides, like nylon and polycaprolactam, and polystyrene are among the most abundant and persistent plastics. Their chemical degradation poses an equally high environmental burden. We propose a highly innovative approach towards degradation, recycling and revalorization of polyamides and polystyrene. Mild thermochemical treatment, followed by degradation and conversion of resulting oligomers and monomers by bacteria equipped with the required enzymes will enable sustainable and economically feasible recycling and revalorization.

How to transition into a greenhouse climate: Seasonal temperature reconstructions from fossil oyster shells.
Dr. N.J. (Niels) de Winter (Free University Amsterdam)
Climate models used for projecting future global temperatures require critical evaluation using modern and paleoclimate data. Reconstructions of past warm periods needed for model evaluations are limited by the availability of paleoclimate archives. This project is designed to fill a 4-million-year gap in temperature reconstructions of exceptionally warm climate ~110–106 million years ago by delivering precise seasonal temperature reconstructions from well-preserved and -dated oyster shells. Our seasonal-scale reconstructions will provide new insights into the transition from cool greenhouse to hothouse climate and improve our understanding of the effects of the current global warming on the ocean–climate system.

Twenty-eight projects awarded within Open Competition ENW-XS | NWO (2024)
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